The following recomendations will hopefully help you find that Eagle Propane Sales will take care of all your propane supply, parts and safety needs, resulting in a long term relationship.
How do I Choose a Propane Company?
Although choosing a company to provide propane service or buy parts and supplies might be simple, like any utility it deserves some thought. When choosing a cell phone provider, you may look at price but most would agree that coverage, clarity, customer service, and products are as equally important. Propane companies fall into a somewhat smilar category. The safety and wellbeing of you and your family is at issue as well. So if you're thumbing through the phonebook or browsing the internet for a propane supplier in your area, consider the following:
1. Safety Record - Ask the company about their safety records, programs and training. Are their delivery drivers upto date on certifications and training? They should be able to offer references, such as Dangerous Goods License, Training Certificates. Eagle Propane Sales technicians and drivers regularly update their certificates, training, and follow propane training institution standards.
2. Regulatory Agencies - Each Province in Canada has a safety regulatory agency that regulates its propane industry. These agencies and commissions oversee all activities regarding the propane industry within their respective provinces. Eagle Propane Sales is in constant communications with the BC Safety Authority and other reglatory authorities of new and upcoming regulations and safety requirements. The BC Safety Authority may be able to provide information about safety records and compliance if requested.
3. Association Memberships - The Canadian Propane Association ensures that a propane company stays upto date and informed about safety issues and compliance within the industry. Eagle Propane Sales as a member of the CPA and as well sits on Provincal and Federal Committees, ensures congruent communication and representation of Vancouver Island in safety and regulatory meetings.
4. Company Policies - Ask the propane company about any policies such as delivery fees, service fees, and other hidden charges or pricing structures. Also ask what is the proticol when a customer runs out of fuel. Eagle Propane puts customers that have run out on a priority list and is upfront about all cost and charges with the delivery. Eagle Propane also offers filling programs to ensure you won't run out.
The very best advice is to choose a propane supplier based on their references, reputation and safety record...not solely on the price. Your safety and that of your family depends on it.